Youth Faith Formation
Welcome to Faith Formation for our youth at St Theresa and St Christopher!
Grades 1 and 2
Grades 1 and 2 are preparation for First Reconciliation and First Communion. All students planning on receiving those Sacraments, even those attending a Catholic school, must register. If your child has not been baptized, please call St Theresa parish office at (401) 624-8746 to begin that preparation. (fee $80 per student, no fee for Baptism)
Grades 3-6
Grades 3-6 will be a solid formation in the Catholic faith in preparation for beginning the Confirmation study. Students in Catholic schools do not have to register for these grades. (fee $65 per student)
Confirmation Preparation
Students who have completed at least grade 6 and have attended Faith Formation classes through grade 6 or have attended a Catholic School are eligible to enroll in Confirmation I. Students who have missed a substantial amount of catechesis since receiving First Communion should sign up for the 6th grade review class. Students who have completed Confirmation I are eligible to enroll in Confirmation II. (fee $80 per student)
Registration for the Faith Formation Program is required each year. In order to update our data base and census, all registrations will require a copy of the student’s baptismal certificate unless they were baptized at either St Theresa or St Christopher. If paying by check, please make check payable to St. Theresa Parish. Please return all completed forms with payment to:
St. Theresa & St. Christopher Parish Office
Attention: Faith Formation
265 Stafford Rd. Tiverton, RI. 02878
Click below for Registration Form:
Welcome to our 2024-2025 Faith Formation. Classes begin Sunday, September 15, 2024
Grades 1-6 will meet on Sundays from 9:15am-10:45am. Confirmation I&II will meet on Sundays from 12noon-1:30pm.
Click below for the 2024-2025 schedule.