The Sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated throughout the year on most any day other than Sunday. All weddings must be arranged with the parish before any other plans are made, and must be done at least six months prior to the intended date. Active Catholics from outside our parishes are welcome to seek arrangements to marry in our parishes. Those wishing to be married at our churches that are not from the area and are not registered parishioners must register at a parish in their area and do their paperwork with their parish priest. The wedding packet will then be transfer to the Diocese of Providence for approval. (Code of Cannon Law: 1115 CIC). Please call the parish office to make an appointment with Father Dufour.
Guidelines for planning a wedding in one of our churches:
Due to the number of items that are required for preparation of a couple as they marry, such as sacramental records, Pre-Cana classes, paperwork that needs to be completed and meetings with the priest who will be officiating at the wedding, we require at least 6 months from the time of booking the wedding to its celebration.
While our office may be able to tell a couple that a particular date is available, no wedding is actually “booked” nor date reserved without the couple speaking with Fr. Dufour.
The couple should make all arrangements, not the parents or witnesses, by calling the parish office.
Weddings at either church can take place on any day of the week, though Sundays are to be avoided for reason of morning masses, baptisms, restrictions of readings and prayers that must be from the Sunday Mass, not the marriage ritual, etc.
Times for weddings will vary in each parish: Saturday weddings must begin by 2:30 pm or earlier at St. Theresa and St. Christopher.
The couple may need to “get their own priest” if Fr. Dufour or Deacon Tim are not available on a day or at a time insisted upon by the couple.
Couples who do not belong to either parish are welcome to celebrate their marriage with us as dates and times are available. Additional information and documentation will be required.
Please contact Rebecca McComb, our Parish Administrative Assistant and Wedding Coordinator, at the parish office for more information, 401.624.8746.
Planning your wedding
When considering the planning of your wedding ceremony we have found the following links to be of great benefit.
From the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
From the Diocese of Providence Marriage Preparation
From Our Sunday Visitor