Meet Our Staff
Should you have a question for which you cannot find an answer on our website, or if you would like to speak with one of the staff regarding further information, please feel free to contact any one of us. Our names, photos, and area of administration or ministry is listed below to assist you in getting to the right person.
Please use the emails found below or call the office to help you get through to the appropriate person. We look forward to hearing from you.
St Theresa & St. Christopher Parish Office: (401) 624-8746
Rev. Phillip J. Dufour
Pastor frdufour@sstandctiverton.org
Deacon Dr. Timothy Flanigan
Deacon Assistant tflanigan@lifespan.org
Rebecca McComb
Business Manager
Administrative Assistant
Funeral & Wedding Coordinator
Betsy Sowin
Parish Secretary
Melanie St. Denis
Parish Office Clerk
Mrs. Lynne Swass
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Edna McKenna
Confirmation Coordinator
Rose Marie Paul
Baptismal Coordinator
Steve and Linda Beaupre
Musicians / Youth Choir Directors
Mrs. Betty Henderson
Organist / Adult Choir Director
Rui Viveiros