The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated each year with those in the parish who have been baptized, reached at least 8th Grade and have completed a two-year preparation program. This preparation program includes attendance for classes, participation in monthly sacramental preparation meetings, an annual retreat, as well as regular participation in Sunday Eucharist and Reconciliation.
To register for Faith Formation, please download a registration form from our Forms Page under Resources.
Confirmation Date 2025: Tuesday, May 13, 2025 6:00pm
Confirmation Rehearsal 2025: TBD
Please contact our Confirmation Coordinator: Edna McKenna:
Or Director of Religious Education: Lynne Swass:
or call the parish office at 401.624.8746
There are specific qualifications pertaining to Sponsors and you should be familiar with these before selecting your desired Confirmation Sponsor. Click the link below to learn about Confirmation Sponsor requirements.